
(bkz: to sahur is to iftar)
(bkz: for whom the ezan tools)
(bkz: the cami jack built)
(bkz: zemzem in the jar)
(bkz: am i kafir)
(bkz: hit the kandils)
(bkz: imam said)
(bkz: zikirbreath)
(bkz: and iftar vakti for all)
(bkz: have a zemzem on me)
(bkz: born to be dindar)
(bkz: schools out for iftar)
(bkz: livin on a imam)
(bkz: ramazan topu n roses)
(bkz: smoke on the iftar çadırı)
(bkz: welcome to ramazan)

hadi yetsin bu kadar.
geçmeyen son 10 dk için söylenmiş olmalıdır.
(bkz: sad but true azrail)
ing. asla gelmeyen iftar.

21 haziran tarihli iftardır.

(bkz: yılın en uzun günü)
(bkz: no hurma no punishment)
(bkz: from sahur till iftar)
iftara davet edilen büyükelçinin dramıdır.
(bkz: the imam kiss)
(bkz: master of imams)
(bkz: hadis of the day)
(bkz: turn the kur an page)
(bkz: mülayim than you)
(bkz: some kind of hurma)
(bkz: fear of the ramazan)
(bkz: bring your müezzin to the slaughter)
(bkz: its the iftar that will never ever be real)
(bkz: bring me to iftar)
(bkz: iftar of my life)
(bkz: sultan of the eleven months)
(bkz: the month that is more valuable than a thousand ones)
(bkz: fade to iftar)
thank god it's ramadan*
(bkz: stairway to mosque)
(bkz: master of ramazan pidesi)

(bkz: leper müezzin)

(bkz: creeping iftar)

(bkz: are you iftar yet)

(bkz: bonded by sahur)

(bkz: scavenger of hurma sorrow)
(bkz: iftar comes true)
(bkz: eat em all)
(bkz: somebody to eat)*
(bkz: in the name of ezan)
(bkz: in da camii)