
shizzle dizzle dır . taşşagin ingilizce sürümüdür .
röjirıt !
what can I do
ı don't knowdur bana göre.
legen.. wait for it. dary!
This is a pencil.
'people shouldn't be afraid of their government, governments should be afraid of their people'

'Why are we all fighting to save the humans? They are a violent and primitive species.'

'No man can kill me, die now.'

'The death do not suffer the living to pass. Now you must die.'
War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.
If I were you. If I were you ve If I were you.
sometimes a man is faced with the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do, and he only misses by one.

if a man speaks in the forest and there are no women around to hear... is he still wrong?
Fatih terim'in söyledikleridir.

(bkz: what can i do sometimes)
i'm comin'

tabi güzel bir kızdan duyuyorsanız.
I go to the cinema.
gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.
i want to fuck you.
"why so serious!"
(bkz: i don t want to see the back)
Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it. *
what can i do sometimes???
Mr. and Ms. Brown go to the seaside (bkz: Brown Ailesi)
I walk beside you wherever you are whatever it takes no matter how far.
Without you, I'm nothing..
only god judge me.
fuck me.
never mind, I'l find someone like you, ı wish nothing but the best for you, too.