
tam adı William Forsyth Sharpe'dir.16 haziran 1934 boston doğumlu finans profesörü. 1990 yılında nobel ekonomi ödülünü almıştır.
capital assets pricing model, capm, ile nobel ekonomi odulune layik bulunmustur, stanford universitesi'nde hocalik yapmistir.
(bkz: lee sharpe)*

For most of us income is not aligned nicely with spending over the course of a lifetime.

Early in our careers it seems sensible to spend more than we earn. We typically borrow money via credit cards, mortgages and the like.

Later it seems better to spend less than we earn. We save, on our own and/or via an employer-sponsored retirement plan.

In most cases we also have to decide how to invest such savings.

While working, we may be concerned that disability or death might cause economic hardship for our family and may purchase insurance that will provide payments if we are disabled or die.

With luck, at some point we will retire and find that our financial situation has changed radically. We may choose to purchase an annuity -- an insurance contract that will provide payments as long as we live.

After retiring, we may also keep some of our accumulated savings, investing it to provide some or all of our spending during the "golden years"

These are my main subjects: Borrowing, Saving, Investing, Insuring and Spending.


"about lifetime finance" isimli ve 2008 tarihli yazısında insan yaşamının finanse edilmesindeki ana eğilimler hususunu gençlikten emekliliğe doğru sırasıyla 1)borç almak, 2)biriktirmek, 3)yatırım yapmak, 4)sigortalamak ve 5)harcamak olarak belirlemiş olan haklı ekonomisttir. * *

ama ne yazık ki türkiye'ye geçen sene getirilen yeni emeklilik yasası ile birçok vatandaşımız ilk aşamadan ikinci aşamaya geçemeden emekli olacaklar gibi görünüyor. *