
Midnight in the garden of good and evil.

Off fena.
i'm falling in love with your favorite song.

(bkz: mando diao)
Don't be so shy.
absolutly no!
Peace man!
w'dup doe.
well, the bottom line is.
Are you ready.
Cümle olmasa bile dispyutıd idir.
shit man
i am so sorry
what is reason behind that.s
unfortunately ^^
attic veeeeee drop...
Begin again.
Great fucking work, Jason'a çok yakışıyor laf sniperx oyununda.
(bkz: shut the fuck up bitch)
What the fuck yaa.
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Yazılışını görmeden bir insanın telaffuz etmesini istemek o insana zulümdür.
(bkz: congratulations)
son of a bi...tch

ya da i am tired sammy.

bunlar hep supernatural.
enough bitch.
Come with me .

gerçi kelime ama her türlü tokatlar.
Get the fuck out of here.
your scent, berries tart, lilac sweet.

(bkz: the wolven storm)
Who are you yaaa? Who are you?