
anadolu nun ortasında bir rus köyü


About 1737 the activity of the Nekrasovites petered out:
historians assume that Nekrasov died in that year.
Soon afterwards the Nekrasovite community began to
disintegrate and resettled in the Ottoman Empire.


As of 1927, there were three Cossack villages in Turkey: Eski Kazaklar
(later officially renamed as Kocagöl, the earlier settlement on the
southwestern tip of Lake Manyas) and Yeni Kazaklar (founded by
a community that left Eski Kazaklar and located on the northern shore
of Lake Manyas) in Manyas
district of Balıkesir Province, and Kazak (on the eastern shore of Lake Akşehir)
in Akşehir district of Konya Province. Their main economic activity was fishery.

In 1927, residents of Yeni Kazaklar left Turkey. Cossacks of Eski Kazaklar
and Kazak decided to migrate in 1962, most Eski Kazaklar villagers repatriating to
Russia, while most residents of Kazak chose to settle in the U.S.


Bandırmak Kazakları bulduk 1708'de Büyük Petro zamanında Kafkasya'dan Osmanlı Imparatorluöu'na göç eden 15 bin Kazak'a Padişah ili.Ahmet Bandırma yakınlarındaki Kocagöl köyünü vermis ve Kazaklar 1962

28 yıl önce Rusya'ya dönmeyi kabul etmeyen Valode Değirmenci hayatından memnun Kazaklar köyünde tek kazak aile •Yaklaşık 300 yıl önce Deli Petro'nun baskısından kaçıp Manyas ilçesindeki Kocagöl köyüne



Некрасовцы — турецкие казаки
