
at the left hand ov god

Sözleri yarım kalmış. Asıl vurucu kısım eklenmemiş:

arise! my sweetest friend
or be forever fallen
we have finally arrived
from prison ov this life
to kali's womb
down to the earth
as angels ov almighty god-
'tis our last fall
to touch our mother whore
the harlot ov the saints
that spits on the rotten cross
incinerate the icon
the symbol ov all loss
to stand straight
at the left hand ov god

samael! be thou my ally!
join me among the bright hosts
wondering neither way ov light
nor darkness
ov which seed
sprouts dispassionately
in the summer ov my life.

Ayrıca mükemmel bir intro ve outro'ya sahiptir. Sonundaki ilahi kısmı ise tamamiyle bombadır.