
and i am starting to write english in this website. sorry for my english, i am primary school terk.
sorry for my bad english.
why all of us are primary school terk??
I know english too. Are you sex?

Çünkü yazılanlar format dışıdır. Çevirisi olmak zorunda. Net.
Hello am 48 year man from somalia. Sorry for my bed england. I selled my wife for internet connection for play "legend league(lol)" and i want to become the goodest player like you I play with 400 ping on brazil server and i am challenger.
don't believe me, i am just trolling all of you.
steve gel, gel lan buraya. otur şöyle.
if you want to talk english this much go leave in english talking countrys you fucktard now gtfo.

öyle başlığa böyle entry.
a good company i have started.

thank all of you to help me.
emrah koş, formatı sikiyorlar.
you are not funny fucking troll,turn and laugh at your ass.

hey lanet olası troll komik degilsin dostum dön ve kıçına gül.
the company that we are being careful to not fucking the format.
you fucked the format and you made it ruin!*
forced definition: a sentence which tells us to write in english itt.
midemi bulandirdiniz amk dedigim zorunluluktur. londra' da yasiyorum sizin kadar ingilizce meraklisi degilim amk.
"Wè must write in English" yazaydın iyiydi.
there is a house, in new orleans.

they call the rising sun.