
üzerimde en iyi görünen şey sensin ya da bana en yakışan sensin manasına gelen muhteşem bryan adams şarkısı.

I dont look good in no armani suits
No gucci shoes - or designer boots
Ive tried the latest lines from a to z
But theres just one thing that looks good on me

The only thing I want
The only thing I need
The only thing I choose
The only thing that looks good on me...is you

Im not satisfied with versace style
Put those patent leather pants - in the circular file
Sometimes I think - I might be lookin good
But theres only one thing that fits me like it should

The only thing I want
The only thing I need
The only thing I choose
The only thing that looks good on me...is you

Ya its you - it could only be you
Nobody else will ever do
Ya baby its you - that I stick to
Ya we stick like glue

The only thing I want
The only thing I need
The only thing I choose
The only thing that looks good on me...is you

insanın dilinde "hayatım boyunca üzerine uzandığım en güzel vücuttu" demeye yakın bir tat bırakan ingilizce cümle. o vücudun üstünden kalkıp pozisyon değiştirince bu cümleyi kurabilirsin mesela.