
öyle enfes bir şarkıdır ki her dinleyişimde tüylerim dike diken olur. Çok az parçada ve hatta eserde böyle bir sihre denk gelebilirsiniz. tabi bunda en büyük pay sahibi merhum chriss oliva dehası.

(bkz: savatage)

yeni çıkan efsanevi oyun herkese tavsiye ederim.
efsane grup savatage'ın gutter ballet albümünden.

Sun sets on the moor
The cries of the hounds live forevermore
Stalking the night
They roam the countryside till morning's light

Do you hear the hounds they call
Scan the dark eyes aglow
Through the bitter rain and cold
They hunt you down
Hunt you down

They run wild and free
Across the fields and valleys of their native land
Nature's beasts deranged
Beyond belief no one understands

Do you hear the hounds they call
Scan the dark eyes aglow
Through the bitter rain and cold
They hunt you down
Hunt you down

Can you see them in the night
They've got you in their sight

Can you hear the hounds they call
Scan the dark eyes aglow
Through the bitter rain and cold
They hunt you down
Hunt you down

(bkz: jon oliva)
(bkz: criss oliva)