
organ mafyası

" çocuğunuzu zengin ailelere evlatlık vereceğiz "
deyip organ mafyasına satan iki kişi ukraynada
yakalanmış . bu çocuk kurtulduysa da herifin
en az üç çocuğu organ mafyasına sattığı şüphesi
var .

By Will Stewart

Published: 10:21, 28 June 2023
Moment 'evil child trader' is caught trying to
take 11-month-old baby out of Ukraine to
'sell for organ transplants' after 'paying his
mother $1,000'
While this boy was saved, it is suspected the
man had previously sold three other children
on the pretext of taking them out of war-torn
Ukraine and finding them adoptive parents abroad.
