
person of interest

5x10 çılgındı.

Finch'in neler yapabileceğini çok merak ediyorum. Ağızlarına sıçacak.
"I have played by the rules for so long. ... No, not your rules. You work at the behest of a system so broken that you didn't even notice when it became corrupted at its core. When I first broke your rules, a sitting president had authorized assignation squads in Laos, and the head of the FBI had ordered his men, you to conduct illegal surveillance on his political rivals. Your rules have changed every time it was convenient for you. I was talking about my rules. I have lived by those rules for so long, believed in those rules for so long, believed in them for so long, believed if you played by the right rules eventually you would win. But then I was wrong wasn't I , and now all the people I care about are dead or will be dead soon enough. And we will be gone without a trace. So now I have to decide. Decide whether to let my friends die, to let hope die, to let the world be ground under your heel all because I play by my rules. But I'm trying to decide. I'm going to kill you. But I need to decide how far I'm willing to go. How many of my own rules I am willing to break ... to get it done."
