
rotting christ'in aealo albümünün kapanış şarkısı. it oğulları bu şarkıda türklere nefret kusuyorlar. mükemmel şarkı yapmışlar yavşaklar. diamanda galas şıllığı sikip bırakmış. böyle şarkı yapılır mı lan?

the world is going up in flames
the world is going up in flames
the world is going up in flames
the world is going up in flames

but these flames are not new
to our dead
our dead did cry their final prayer in those flames
our dead did sing their last lullaby in those flames
our dead prayed to our infidelite god in those falmes
our dead whispered a last goodbye to their mother
in those flames

the world is going up in flames

our dead clawed their children close in
the world is going up in flames

our dead watched their daughters
16 times
raped and beaten
in the still-burning of those flames

our dead watched an ax remove their
mother’s skull
and crown a wooden spit
in the continuous burning of those flames

our dead watched while chrysotomos
eyes and tongue were pulled out,
teeth and fingers broken, one by one,
in the laughing and the cheering
of those flames

our dead watched their sisters drenched with gasoline
and scream with melting skin
“the world is going up in flames”

our dead gave birth to turkish victories
the gurgling and then dying trophy.
on a bayonet which marked the borders of
the world which is going up in flames

our dead were dragged in marches
through the desert sun
for weeks until the sun burned out their lungs

and when the desert sun which was burning them like flames
ripped apart their lips, we heard the final prayer
lord god have mercy lord upon our souls!

they saw the world is going up in flames
buried, not yet dead inside the pits

“giaouri, infideli:
our god has chosen you to die”

and now the unblessed dead have ordered us to say:

this is my grave, my holy bed
you cannot take it

you can not erase my name
you can not erase our dead

you cannot erase the dead
because we have been ordered now
to list their names, their numbers,

to give their date of birth, their earthly city,
their father’s name, the sweetness
of their mother’s eyes



and forevermore
we’ll see you when the desert meets the sky
but do not forget my name

and so these were the orders from the dead
said without a word but with a final glance:


granted to the infidel

since an infidelite hell
should not require a prayer
should not require a silent moment

and now the infidel is told
to forgive and to forget
to understand :

advance into a paradise of dead memories,
of living death, the old folks home
of catatonia
of madness
and despair.

“do not ask me for the number of that grave:
it has been stolen.”

“what is this love for bones and dirt?
put this ancient thing behind you, infidelite
you have no claim to god
you have no claim to peace
you have no claim to joy

you have no claim

you have no claim

you have no claim


remember just how lucky, sperm of satan,
that you are:
to even be



across the sea!


you have no god.

a man without a god
can not be burned alive
he never was alive,

not as a man, giavour,
but as a dog.”


but i have orders from the dead
that warn me:

“do not forget me:
my blood will fill the air you breathe

“my deathbird is not dead

he carries all my teeth:

my smile of unforgetfulness,

my laugh!


i am the man unburied
who cannot sleep
in forty pieces!!!!!

i am the girl,
and unblessed,

i am the open mouth
that drags your flesh
and will never rest


my death is written
in a rock that can
not be

and these are the orders
from the dead.

mına koduklarım.
diamanda gallas'ın yunan olup da yunan aksanı olmadığını anlamamızı sağlamış şarkıdır. Yunanlar anlayamıyor yunanca kısımları, helal olsun.
müzikalite bakımından on üzerinden yüz alabilecek bir ağıt. böyle bir şarkı kolay kolay yapılmaz, ama şarkı 1922 izmir katliamını anlatıyor ve türklere nefret kusuyor.