
no i don't.
Bu başlıkta ingilizce bildiğimizi gösterip hava atıyoruzz.
are you cola?
e vat ar yu?
Hello / Hi
How are you
Fuck you!
(ingilizce bilgisi bitti)
no one can ever amount to anything in this life without someone else to believe in him.

Bulamadım, şimdi yaprak yemenin zamanı geldi o zaman.
how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
a woodchuck would chuck all he could if a woodchuck would chuck wood.
sözlüğe ses atabilme özelliğini deneme entrysi. evet o iyrenç sesimi çekeceksiniz haha. yeah mr. white, it's science.

0:00 0:07

22 saat sonra gelen ek: başlık coştukca benim entry eksilenmiş (bkz: sad smiley)
Fuckkk .
what's the point of doing this.
because of donkey's dick.
"Our write now english this entry" şeklinde bir başlıktır.
What can i write sometimes. it's the dictionary, that's the dictionary. i see from sol frame. i want see front. i don't want see back.

imam hatip's are closed.
my eyes are blooding. fuck your english man. go hell...
i miss my oldlife. i mean when o was a child. i miss my birds,cats,horses,donkeys and monkeys. i miss my farm.i miss my old clean life...
none of your business.
edit : anlayanlar artıladı bile.*
Ben fatih terimce bir ingilizce söylemek istiyorum.

Edit:okey game okey dedik ya yes good game...
When you sleep it will be over.
White Sea.
I solemly swear that i am up to no good.
Your loyalty is not to me
But to the stars above.
you'll never know, i'll never show. what i feel, what i need from you, no.
What the f*ck r you doing here.
my girl, my girl, don't lie to me, tell me where did you sleep last night...
what's can ı do sommetimes? this is paintball ıt's paintball... But,today,now we will been here.