
and when he falleth

şarkı bölümü:

"be my kin free fro varnal sin,
bridle the thoughts of thy master."
"there hath past away a glore fro the earth;
a glore that in the hearts and minds of men,
men dementéd - blindfoldéd by light,
hourisheth as weed in their well-groom'd garths."

might i too was blindfoldéd ere, the quality of mercy and absolution,
tho' years have master'd me whence cometh such qualities?
a masque of this to fashion: build thyself a mirror in which
seer blest, thou best philosopher! "solely wanton images of thy desire appear!"

"'tis the divine comedy - "'tis the divine tragedy -
the fool and the mocking court; the fool and the mocking court;
fool, kneel now, and ring thy bells! fool, kneel now, and ring thy bells!
we hold the earth fro heaven away." make us guffaw at thy futile follies,
yet for our blunders - oh, in shame;
earth beareth no balm for mistakes -
we hold the earth fro hell away.


"believe? in a deity long dead? -
i would rather be a pagan suckléd in creeds outworn;
whith faärtytales fill'd up in head;
thoughts of the book stillborn."

"shadow of annoyance -
ne'er come hither!
and when he falleth, he falleth like lucifer,
ne'er to ascend again..."