

comparision between cooling tower and chiller:
Cooling Towers:
*Open system is subject to contamination
from dust and debris.
*Water consumption up to 15% of circulation flow rate.
*Heat exchanger efficiency can be reduced by dirt and mineral deposits. Piping and heat exchangers may require periodic de-scaling.
*Water treatment often necessary to prevent
growth of algae.
*Temperature of cooled water varies with ambient air temperature and humidity. Refer to the cooling tower efficiency chart .
Towers are typically sized at two to three times the actual required capacity to compensate for change in ambient air conditions.
Installation costs typically higher due to larger header sizes and distance of pipe runs.

*Closed system so water remains clean.
*Now water consumption.
*Heat exchanger efficiency remains at a maximum.
*No maintenance duet to dirt and scale buildups is necessary
*No treatment necessary
*Chilled water temperature is constant regardless
of ambient air conditions.
*Chillers are sized at actual required capacity
*Installation costs can be less due to smaller pipe sizes, and inside.