
ırak 42 tane scud füzesini israile atmıştır .çoğu füze hedefe ulaşamadan
düşmüştür . israile düşenlerin de harp başlıkları patlamadı . üç isralli füze
isabetiyle ölmüştür . korkudan ölenlerin sayısı 71 civarındadır .

Throughout the entire Gulf War air campaign, Iraqi forces fired approximately
42 Scud missiles into Israel from 17 January to 23 February 1991

Iraqi missiles fired at Israel either broke up mid-air or fell short of their target.
In addition, the missile warheads themselves on a number of occasions failed
to detonate with a reported dud missile rate of over 10%.

Three Israeli civilians died as a direct result of the missile attacks. 71 died as an indirect result through circumstances such as heart attacks, panic and reactions to the drug atropine .


saddam hüseyin , amerikanın has adamıydı .....
