
there lived a princess of the woods
she thought she lived alone
she walked with fair skin
on her head wine red hair did flow

& the birds were flying
& bells were ringing in the distant sky
the owl said:
you know its time to die
so why not you & i

she sat at tables made of glass
& drank from a silver spoon
the absinthe carved its secret path
as it burned, a flower bloomed

the autumn came
she sought for her sleep
& gazed up to the sky
an elf did sing:
if you climb this highest tree
I’ll sing you a lullaby

& so she climbs
each moss step with moonlit rose
& blackberry stems
to a bed of stars
where she lays her body down
only with him

& the silver sea
where I saw swans with deep set wings
staring at me
& the owl said:
you know it’s time to die
so why not you & i

there lived a princess of the woods
she thought she lived alone
she found her life inside a song
& so she made it home..

bir cohen şarkısıdır..