
rusya çıkışlı, yüzüklerin efendisi temalı müzik yapan atmospheric black metal grubu. summoning ile oldukça benzer yanları var. bazı parçaların rusça olması haricinde bir sıkıntı yok. bol bol da albüm çıkarmışlar:

darkness above middle earth ep 2014
malbeth the seer's words ep 2014
eternal legend full-length 2014
ın the beginning full-length 2014
...and in the glade a light was seen full-length 2015
wanderers in the shadowed land ep 2015
the eagle's song full-length 2016
summoned by middle earth - a tribute to summoning (part ı) full-length 2016
the dragon ıs withered ep 2016
let horse be bridled, horn be sounded! full-length 2017
where many paths and errands meet ep 2017
leave the northern mountains full-length 2018
back to middle-earth compilation 2018
the last ship full-length 2019
lady in black ep 2019