
bir kız kadar romantik erkek

tüm erkeklerdir. zira açıklamasını trainspotting den diana yapmıştır;

Mark Renton: Well, I'll come back with you if you like, but like, I'm not promising anything, you know.

Diane: Do you find that this approach usually works? Or let me guess, you've never tried it before. In fact, you don't normally approach girls - am I right? The truth is that you're a quiet sensitive type but, if I'm prepared to take a chance, I might just get to know the inner you: witty, adventurous, passionate, loving, loyal. Taxi! A little bit crazy, a little bit bad. But hey - don't us girls just love that?

Mark Renton: Eh?

Diane: Well, what's wrong boy - cat got your tongue?