
placebo'nun battle for the albümünde bulunan 8 numaralı parça.

albümden çıkan 2.single dır.

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stefan'ın gitarı harika kullanımınıda görürüz bu parcada.

The atom will implode
The fragile kingdom fall
The tremor becomes a quake
There's a body in the lake

And as the two of us rebel
Damn you all to hell
I wonder if that's all there is

Time will help you through
But it doesn't have the time
To give you all the answers to the never-ending why

The sound of silence grows
As spiders kissing fly
And the tumor becomes a rhyme
But the kids are doing fine

And as the two of us rebel
And damn you all to hell
I wonder if that's all there is

Time will help you through
But it doesn't have the time
To give you all the answers to the never-ending why
sabah sabah insanın içini coşkuyla dolduran müthiş placebo eseri...
insana gerekli motivasyonu ve güdüyü sağlayan coşkulu bir placebo çalışması.
güncel Önemli Başlıklar