
karizması tamamen zekasından gelir.örneğin lenny, zekası homer'a göre çok düşük olduğu için*aralarındaki en ezik adamdır * .
Captain Tenille: Tell me young man, what do you want out of life?.
Homer: [straining to reach the peas on the table] I want peeeas...
Captain Tenille: Oh, we all want peace! But it's always just out of reach. [Homer groans and sits back in his chair] So, what's the best way to get peace?.
Homer: [reaching out and picking up peas on his knife] With a knife.
Captain Tenille: Exactly! Not with the olive branch but the bayonet! Ah, Simpson, you're like the son I never had.
Homer: And you're like the father I never visit. *

hayvaniliğinden ileri gelir.
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