
wikileaks 'in acikladigi gizli amerikan diplomatik
belgelerinde abd'nin ankara eski buyukelcisi eric
edelman 'in tayyip erdogan icin, gizli kaynak
gostererek alintiladigi ifade.

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"inside the party, erdogan's hunger for power
reveals itself in a sharp authoritarian style and
deep distrust of others: as a former spiritual
advisor to erdogan and his wife emine put it,
"tayyip bey believes in god...but doesn't trust
him." in surrounding himself with an iron ring of
sycophantic (but contemptuous) advisors,
erdogan has isolated himself from a flow of
reliable information, which partially explains his
failure to understand the context -- or real facts
-- of the u.s. operations in tel afar, fallujah, and
elsewhere and his susceptibility to islamist
theories. with regard to islamist influences on
erdogan, defmin gonul, who is a conservative but
worldly muslim, recently described gul associate
davutoglu to us as "exceptionally dangerous."
erdogan's other foreign policy advisors (cuneyd
zapsu, egemen bagis, omer celik, along with
mucahit arslan and chef de cabinet hikmet
bulduk) are despised as inadequate, out of
touch and corrupt by all our akp contacts from
ministers to mps and party intellectuals."

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Parsa büyük olunca çevresinde sırtlanlar çok olurmuş,bu ateş kendilerinide yakacak,en çok alkış tutanlar yakın zamanda en ani dönüşleri yapıp en çok darbeyi vuracaklar,tarih tekerrürden ibaret,aşağı ivme bir başlasın sonrasını görücez.