
Dünyanın en fazla tanınmış repçisidir.
O benim ergenlikte gurbete gittiğim sabahlarımda, sesini duyduğumda aileden birini duymuş gibi dinlediğim dert babası repçim.
sabahtan gördüm seni, çok beyaz geldin bana.
Berat Albayrak - Lose Yourself

superman, criminal gibi şarkıları şu an yapsaydı times meydanında çarmıha gererlerdi.

sjw ve wokeism milli güvenlik sorunudur.
(bkz: lose yourself)
(bkz: without me)
(bkz: stan)
(bkz: cleaning my closet)
you said:

"this song is dedicated to all the happy people
all the happy people who have real nice lives
and who have no idea whats it like to be broke as fuck"

really they have no idea. and i am really broke as fuck.

i'll try to write english this time. cause nothing changes with turkish. and i should improve my english, right?

i'm sad. again. not really bad but... i feel unattractive. i can't get anyone's attention. i can't be the center of attention. i haven't heard a single compliment in months. i also gained weight, it has an effect too. but i didn't tell you what happened to me. i had a very bad year and what happened to me caused me to gain weight. i'll not tell you what happened. my english is not enough and i have no time for this. also thinking gives me anxiety. i have to go to gym, lose weight, get in shape. i need some plastic surgeries. i need to get my teeth done. (this is priority) but all of these needs money. i have no money.

i know you said:

"don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful"

but i'm not beautiful. i am a realistic person and i know it. aaand I need money to be beautiful. there were times when my weight was normal. nobody cared about me back then. it's sad not to be liked. it's sad not to be loved. i also feel incomplete because of a disease whose name I do not want to mention. i feel like I will be alone forever.

i feel so unlucky. i have no good family, i have no money, i have no caring friends, i have no lover, i have no beauty, i have no memory. but i have somethings. i have many diseases. some important, some not. but they are exhausting me.

too many bad things happened and still happening on my life. im tired. but i have two cats now. my babies. i love them and i have to live for them. one of them looking at me right now. she wants attention. like me. i'm giving all my attention to them. they are my kids. i can do anything for them. so i'll live. but life making me sick. and i know i'm not gonna live long. this stress is unbearable.

i just wish i could hug you before i die. but it is not going to happen, isn't it? cause im so fucking unlucky.

"my life is full of empty promises and broken dreams
i'm hoping things will look up"
1972 doğumlu bir rapçi. müzisyen, bir uyuşturucu bağımlısı, bir zengin, bir kraldır. 1999 yılında "the slim Shady lP" isimli albümüyle ismini herkese duyurup ünlü oldu. şaka maka merak ediyorum bu adam neden hiç gülmüyor?
it's me again.

i am really fucked up this time. i'm thinking to kill myself. i am dreaming about it, planning about it. sad, romantic, dramatic suicide. i am really stupid.

until a month ago i had a boyfriend. he come to me first. i reject him 37425 times but i liked him finally. so we started a relationship. note: he lives in a different city. anyway, he stayed at my home for 2 weeks. most beautiful times of my life... you know i love living alone. i don't really like guest in my home. but i loved having him at home. when he left i felt alone. like wtf? i was already living alone for 5 years. what is that feeling? seems that i fall in love. he back to his city. we keep talking everyday, every hour. no lies, we rarely argued. there were some resentments between us. but i forgot all of them. i love him. we talked about them and i taught we fixed them. but then he showed up a big fight. he broke up with me. because of my stupid joke. i begged him to make up so he accept. this happened 3 days ago before my birthday. after this happen i started having panic attacs. everyday. i went to the psychiatrist. he gave me xanax. but it was not enough really. and it happened again; he broke up with me again and my depression started.

i had panic attacks 3 times a day, 1 month. i could not eat at all. i lost 5 kilos in 1 month. i went to another psychiatrist and he gave me other drugs. lustral and nervium. it worked a bit but then i got worse again. he (my ex-bf) gave me hope and then i realized it was pointless. i almost killed myself that night. i didn't even care about my cats. you know how i love them. but at that moment i didn't care. my friends calmed me down. i continue to lose weight and not eat. i just work, cry and sleep. there is nothing else i really do. there is nothing i want to do. everything lost its meaning. i no longer have dreams. i still want him to come back. i'm dreaming of this. then i cry over and over again. i've compiled a list of songs that are sad enough to kill. i listen to it every day. it's a 3.5 hour playlist. i stopped talking to my close friends. i hate my mother, i fight with her. i am very angry and sad. i'm fed up and tired. i don't want to get well. i want to die. but who will take care of my cats if i die? noone. i have to live for them. but living feels like torture. it's like i'm stuck. i can't breathe. i'm about to go crazy.

i can't find strength in your songs anymore. i don't want to find it. i don't use my meds properly either. i don't want to get better.

like you said:

that's rock bottom
when this life makes you mad enough to kill
that's rock bottom
when you want something bad enough to steal
that's rock bottom
when you feel you have had it up to here
'cause you mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear

(bkz: swh)
sıcak değil de eminem çok kötü yapıyor...
i'm crying inside. i feel pain. i feel sad. i feel regret. i feel fear. i feel love. i feel hopeless. i feel unloved. i feel bad. i feel dead.

i wanna die. i want to just dissappear. i don't want to feel anything anymore. these are too much. i can't handle it. i want him back. he won't back. i'm sick of give up. i want to feel loved. i want to him love me again. i wish i was the indispensable one for once. i wish he love me forever. i want to be with him, kiss him, hug him.

why i always lost love? why? am i too terrible to be loved?

i just want him back. if there is a god up there, i am beggin you god, please give him back to me. please.

em, why i am so sad for years? i always crying to you, see? it's like the world doesn't want me to be happy.

you know what? i don't even want to hug you anymore. i just want to die.
we talked. there is no hope for us.

i just decide i will kill myself. i'll really do. after i see him one last time, 3 months later.

no hope for me. im not gonna better. i can't heal. i'm just broken. you can't fix broken glass. i'm that glass.

think like that, i have a cancer stage 4. no hope, i only have 3 months to live. but i can't even live these months because of pain. this pain inside of me. in my heart, in my chest. its really hurts. so damn hurts. i cant stand.

i don't listen you anymore. even you can't help me this time. but thank you fot saving me for 12 years. so i could listen you alive, and i could met him. i had a chance to love him. he loved me too, short but perfect. first time i felt beautiful and loved. it was so wonderful. i thank him too. he is really good person belive me. better than angels. i mean it.

i lost him. it is my fault. he was my family, friends, cats, dreams, future. i lost him. so you see i lost my everthing. i did it. i deserve to death. i am like dead anyway. no eat, no drink. just standing for see him last time. for one las hug, maybe kiss if he let me. one last goodbye. and i will be gone.

i want to die. what should i do? i wish you take care of my kids (cats) when i kill myself.

i am really sad. actually sad is not enough to tell my feelings. your song speaks to me; rock bottom.

i beg you come find me. im so lost.
i've fucked my love life. i am tired of this.

i love my cats so much. i can literally give both of my arms for them. (i'm thinking about tattoo bht i need money) i can give my life for them.

quick flashback. i remembered a scene from detroit game. because of you obv.

i left 2 people but i feel like they left me. because i dont really want to left. they make me do it. because they don't want me actually. i don't matter to them. why? they matters to me. i cried. first one... he was like a copy of me. just one thing... he don't want a relationship. but i want.

i hate all men now. i cant find anyone like him. he was like my soulmate. he "almost" has everything i want.

im so fucking helpless. i am loser. i hate myself too. much more...

i really don't want do anything, anytime.

i want tomato soup with noodle. i'm hungry.

i hate myself.
Eminem denilince saniyesinde aklıma stan şarkısındaki "Stanley open the door, open the door (let me in)" kısmı geliyor. Dido'nun ses tonu çok hoş ve tonlaması harika.

Senin gibisi de gelmeyecek bir adam..
1972 yılında detroit'te doğmuş goat rapper. mmlp gibi goat oğlu goat bir rap albümünü çıkarmıştır. ondan sonra da über the eminem show gelmiştir. biricik kızı hailie jade'yi çok sever, kolunda dövmesi vardır hatta. çocukluk arkadaşı proof'u silahlı saldırı sonucu kaybetmiştir. you're never over, like toy soldiers gibi güzel şarkılarında proof'u sık sık anar.

herkesin bildiği üzere slim shady alter egosudur. slim shady herkese musallat olur, çılgınca hareket eder, insanları güldürür. marshall mathers ise insanları düşündürür, duygusallaştırır.

annesiyle çok sorunlar yaşamıştır. cleanin' out my closet şarkısında annesine çok fena giydirmiştir. babası onu bebekken terk etmiştir. okuldayken çok dışlanmıştır.

şarkılarını sözlüğü iyice karıştırır yazar. tam bir lirikal dehadır. kafiyeleri, flowları falan güzeldir genelde. stay wide awake şarkısı bu açıdan güzel bir örnektir.

the monster şarkısında bahsettiği üzere kendisi obsesif kompülsif hastasıdır ne yazık ki. zaten ağır depresyona girip uyuşturucu koması yaşadığı dönemi de vardır, sonradan uyuşturucuyu bırakmıştır.

diss atma konusunda ise kendisinden daha iyisini görmedim. bu adama bulaşılmaz arkadaş. mgk en son bir diss attı kendisine. em de bunu itin götüne sokup sokup çıkarmıştır.

"ben tanrıyım, sen şeytansın. tanrı şeytana tapanları affeder." bu nasıl söz ahaha. helal sana em.

ama cidden tanrıdır. rap god şarkısında bunu kanıtlamıştır zaten. kral olmak mı? sanmıyorum. bir tanrı olmak varken neden kral olayım ki? çok haklısın beyaz tavşan...

diğer şarkılarına gelirsek o kadar çok güzel şarkısı var ki diğerlerine haksızlık yapar mıyım diye düşünüyorum. not afraid, beautiful, when i'm gone, without me, almost famous, going through changes, cinderella man, elevator, i'm back, kill you, business, white america, mockingbird, my darling, underground, hello, careful what you wish for, so much better, berzerk, wicked ways, bad guy, legacy, the ringer, stepping stone, fall, venom, greatest, bad husband, arose, castle, framed, never love again, godzilla, higher, superman, the real slim shady, the way i am, stan, sing for the moment vs.

uzun lafı kısası dinleyin, dinlettirin. rap sevmeyen birçok insan bile bu adama bayılır.
ben bu adamı kadın sanıyordum.
Bazı şarkılarını sanki benim için yazmış..
Türk halk müziği beste adı tadında rap tepici.
2001 ve 2002' de türkiye' de çoğu insanın rap ile daha da fazla yakınlaşmasını sağlamış rapçi. başarısında kaynağını hayatından alan öfkenin şarkılarına yansımasının büyük payı vardır. bir şarkısının sözünde: '' yargıç bana ceza veriyor ama oğlu beni dinliyor '' diyerek çok güzel bir toplum eleştirisi yapar.
ahh iki gözümün çiçeği, yeni şarkıyla dönmüş.

yeni şarkısı houdini'nin klibinde without me şarkısına selam çakmış. şarkı gayet güzel. shady geri döndü sözünü duymak harika!

"my transgender cat’s siamese (why?)
identifies as black, but acts chinese (haha)"

hahaha. reis yine birilerine geçirmeyi ihmal etmemiş. sen birilerine geçir, biz dinleyelim reis. umarım çok uzun yaşarsın.
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