
asajj ventress

clone wars'da sidious'un kendisi hakkındaki planlarını ve onu oyuna sokuşunu şu şekilde izleriz;

ventress count dooku ile yaptığı dövüşü kaybeder, dooku'nun lightsaber'ı boğazının 2 santim ötesinde durur.

count dooku: It would not be so easy to defeat a Sith.

asajj ventress: So finish it.

count dooku: We have other plans. Have you been watching, Master?

darth sidious: I have, indeed, Lord Tryanus. The child's skill with a lightsaber are most impressive. You have found a promising disciple, my apprentice. She shall serve us well.

asajj ventress: i am honored.

count dooku: Let me introduce my master, the true Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious.

asajj ventress: What is your bidding?

darth sidious: A Jedi named Anakin Skywalker. You will find him for us, and eliminate him.

asajj ventress: Jedi! Their order is a fading light in the dark! Corrupt and arrogant. They must be punished! The Jedi shall fall!